3.1.0 features

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Revision as of 21:00, 3 June 2010 by Dustin (talk | contribs) (copied from NEWS)
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  • Deprecated old changers; see amanda-changers(7) for replacements. These
 changers are still available in the distribution, but will be removed in a
 future release.
  * chg-null
  * chg-zd-mtx
  * chg-rait
  * chg-disk
  * chg-multi
  • Although chg-zd-mtx is still supported, we recommend that all users upgrade
 to the more efficient chg-robot.  See contrib/convert-zd-mtx-to-robot.sh
 for a useful conversion script.
  • Amanda server configuration file changes (amanda.conf)
  * deprecated configuration keywords:
     * label_new_tapes
  * keywords deprecated in 2.6.1:
     * rawtapedev
     * tapebufs
     * file-pad
  * new configuration keyword
     * autolabel   -- replace label_new_tapes
     * columnspec  -- can specify a precision.
     * order       -- in script, to specify script order execution.
     * client_port -- in dumptype, to specify which port to connect on the client.
     * estimate    -- in dumptype, can specify multiple estimate method.
  * accept 'define' keyword for defining an holdingdisk
  • Amanda client configuration file changes (amanda-client.conf)
  * new configuration keyword
     * debug_days  -- how many days to keep debug files.
     * client_port -- use by amrecover, specify which port to connect on the server.
  • Removed compile-time default --with-changer-device: specify a device
 explicitly in amanda.conf instead
  • amtape behavior has changed:
  * 'device' subcommand removed
  * 'slot advance' subcommand removed
  * 'update' subcommand no longer displays each slot as it is updated, and
    is not supported by all changers
  * taperscan output has changed
  * new 'inventory' subcommand
  • amrmtape rewrite
  * use long option
     * --changer    -- Specify which changer to use
     * --cleanup    -- Remove logs and indexes associated with label
     * --dryrun     -- do not update the original copies.
     * --erase      -- Attempt to erase the data contained on the volume
     * --keep-label -- Do not remove label from the tapelist
     * --quiet      -- Opposite of --verbose
     * --verbose    -- List backups of hosts and disks that are being discarded.
  • amdevcheck
  * new --label option.
  * new --properties option.
  • Device API
  * changed wildcard setting for S3_BUCKET_LOCATION from "" to "*"
  * new 'ndmp:' device to write to a tape on an ndmp server.
  * new 'dvdrw:' device to write to a dvd drive.
  • Application API
  * new properties to many applications
  * amgtar
     * new ACLS, SELINUX and XATTRS properties
  * amsamba
     * Allow '\' in diskname and amandapass.
     * new ALLOW-ANONYMOUS property.
  * new applications:
     * ampgsql  -- Backup PostgreSQL using continuous WAL archiving
     * amsuntar -- Backup filesytem with the SUN tar
     * amraw    -- Backup only one directory entry
  • New taper, with DirectTCP support, changed tape and catalog format:
  * all dumpfiles are now F_SPLIT_DUMPFILE
  * all on-tape dumpfiles have numparts=-1, since it's no longer possible
    to calculate this value in advance
  * there is no logging or reporting of zero-byte, successful parts (this
    may cause gaps in filenums in the catalog)
  • Redesigned amreport
  * much more natural command-line interface (just run 'amreport $config')
  * experimental XML output
  • configuration override for dumptype works with inheritance.