How To:Write dump to multiple storages

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There is multiple way to achieve it, the best technique depend of the speed and parallelism of your device

Using the Holding disk

You define two storages and configure amanda to write all dump to both storages:

define storage1 {
define storage2 {
storage "storage1" "storage2"
  • That's it, amanda will write all dumps to storage1 and storage2.
  • This technique require the use of an Holding disk for all DLEs.

What if a DLE can't use the Holding disk

If a DLE can't use the Holding disk (because configured to not use it or the DLE is too large) then the backup is dumped directly to the first storage (storage1) and will never be copied to storage2.

This problem is fixed in 3.5.2, where you can create multiple dump path to a storage but amanda will only copy the dump once.

define storage1 {
  vault storage2 0
define storage2 {
storage "storage1" "storage2"
vault-storage "storage"
  • This tell the storage1 to vault its dump to storage2, this vault is done only for DLEs that are not on the storage2.
  • All dumps that use the Holding disk will be copied to storage1 and storage2 from the Holding disk.
  • All dumps that go directly to storage1 will be vaulted from storage1 to storage2.

What if the storage1 fail

  • The DLE that go on holding disk will be copied to storage1 in another run.
  • The DLE that go directly to a storage will be dumped to storage2 and will never be copied to storage1.

This problem is fixed in 3.5.2:

define storage1 {
  vault storage2 0
define storage2 {
  vault storage1 0
storage "storage1" "storage2"
vault-storage "storage1" "storage2"
  • This tell the storage2 to vault its dump to storage1, this vault is done only for DLEs that are not on the storage1.

dump to one storage and vault to another one

define storage1 {
  vault storage2 0
define storage2 {
storage "storage1"
vault-storage "storage2"
  • All dumps are copied to storage1 (using Holding disk or directly) and then vaulted to storage2.