Mysql-zrm-reporter: Difference between revisions

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; /var/lib/mysql-zrm : Directory under which all backup data is stored.
; /var/lib/mysql-zrm : Directory under which all backup data is stored.

; /etc/mysql-zrm/mysql-zrm-reporter.conf : Configuration file read by mysql-zrm-reporter tool.
; /etc/mysql-zrm/mysql-zrm-reporter.conf : Configuration file read by ''mysql-zrm-reporter'' utility.


Revision as of 00:52, 1 December 2006


mysql-zrm-reporter - ZRM for MySQL backup reporting utility.


mysql-zrm-reporter [--fields <name1,name2,"name3, name4, name5" ....>]
                   [--destination <dir> ]
                   [--where  <fieldname=value>]
                   [--type  html]
                   [--output <filename>]
                   [--latest ]
                   [--show   <backup-method-info | backup-status-info  |
                     backup-retention-info | backup-performance-info |
                     restore-info |  selective-restore-info | 
                     replication-info | backup-app-performance-info > ]


mysql-zrm-reporter utility provides pre-defined and user-defined reports about various MySQL database backup runs. The reports can be in text or HTML format. Backup report can be sent as a RSS feed.

Backup reports can be configured using /etc/mysql-zrm/mysql-zrm-reporter.conf file parameters. For supported formats, see mysql-zrm-reporter.conf(5).

ZRM for MySQL configuration file, mysql-zrm.conf(5) file contains HTML configuration and RSS feed configuration parameters for mysql-zrm-reporter utility. The list of mysql-zrm-reporter parameters are:

Set the directory where text/HTML reports are written. This parameter is optional. Example: /var/www/html/mysql-zrm-reports/
List of pre-defined report(s) to be generated after a backup run. Example: backup-status-info
RSS feeds URL of a directory under document root of the web server. If this value is not specified in the mysql-zrm.conf configuration file, RSS feeds will not be generated. Example:
The location of RSS feed properties file containing RSS feed channel and item properties. This parameter must be provided if webserver-url is specified. Example: /etc/mysql-zrm/RSS.header


Each backup run generates the following information about the backup:

Date and time stamp of backup run.
MySQL server version.
The location of backup directory.
Lists the backup-level - 0 for a full and 1 for incremental backup.
List of databases backed up using mysqlhotcopy. If raw-tables parameter is present, this will list only one database.
List of tables backed up using mysqlhotcopy. The name of the database these tables belong to is found under raw-databases.
List of databases backed up using lvm snapshots. When raw-tables parameter is specified, this will list only one database.
List of tables backed up using mysqlhotcopy. The name of the database these tables belong to is found under raw-databases.
Time taken for the complete backup run. Format is HH:MM:SS
Time read lock was held during the backup run. Format is HH:MM:SS
Time for flushing database pages to the disk. Format is HH:MM:SS
The size, in megabytes, of data backed up.
Status has three values. "Backup Failed" value means that there was a fatal error. "Backup done with errors" means that though there was some error during backup but some of the databases and tables were probably backed up. "Backup succeeded" means that the backup run was completed sucessfully.
List of databases backed up using mysqldump(1). When -tables parameter is specified, this will only one database.
List of tables belonging to logical-databases backed up using mysqldump(1). The name of the database these tables belong to is found under -databases.
List of replication files backed up namely and
Names of SQL_LOAD* files that were backed up.
Names of the binary log files backed up.
Name of the backup set this backup belongs to.
Comment about the backup added by the administrator in the mysql-zrm.conf(5) file.
Backup image will be retained for the time specified as parameter in Days/Weeks/Months/Years. For example: if the value is "10D" means the backup image will be retained 10 days from the backup-date. This policy assumes 365 days in a year and 30 days in a month.
Specifies that the backup was compressed. Default compression method is gzip program. The program used for compression is value for this parameter.
Program used for encryption if the backups are encrypted.
Specifies the name of the host that was backed up.
Time taken by compression and/or encryption. This time is included in the backup time.
List of InnoDB shared data files backed up.
List of InnoDB logs backed up.


--show <backup-method-info | backup-status-info | backup-retention-info | backup-performance-info | restore-info | selective-restore-info | replication-info | backup-app-performance-info>
To display predefined reports set this option. The predefined reports, and what they contain, are listed below:
  • backup-status-info : backup-set,backup-date,backup-level,backup-status, backup comment
  • backup-method-info : backup-set,raw-databases,raw-databases,logical-databases
  • backup-retention-info : backup-set, backup-date, backup-level,backup-size,retention-policy
  • backup-performance-info : backup-set, backup-date, backup-level, backup-size, backup-size-compressed, backup-time, compress-encrypt-time
  • backup-app-performance-info : backup-set, backup-date, backup-level, backup-size, backup-time, read-locks-time, flush-logs-time
  • restore-info : backup-set, backup-date, backup-level,backup-directory
  • selective-restore-info : backup-set, backup-date, incremental
  • replication-info  : backup-set, backup-date, replication,slave-load-files
--destination <dir>
Set the backup root directory. This parameter is optional. Default value is /var/lib/mysql-zrm
--fields <name1,name2,name3...>
Set the list of backup parameters to display. List of valid field names are described in BACKUP INFORMATION section. This field is optional. By default backup-set,backup-date,backup-level,backup-status,comment are displayed. Spaces are not allowed within the parameter name list.If spaces have to be used, list must within quotes.
--where <fieldname=value>
The utility will display the MySQL backup parameters where the field name matches value. This field is optional.
--type html
Report will be in HTML format.
--output <filename>
HTML report will be written to filename under "html" directory and text reports will be written to filename under "text" directory. By default, these directories are created under the current working directory. The utility allows users to specify explicit directory location for reports in mysql-zrm.conf(5) using "html-report-directory" parameter. If this parameter is set, then the utility will create "html-report-directory" directory (if it does not exist) and output report with name file name will be written to "html" and/or "text" sub-directory under "html-report-directory" path.
Report about the most recent backup run.
Displays help message and exits.


To display backup date, location of backups, and backup set name use:

mysql-zrm-reporter --destination /var/lib/mysql-zrm/backup \
                   --fields backup-date,backup-directory,backup-set

To display backup date, backup set name, and size of backup use:

mysql-zrm-reporter --destination /var/lib/mysql-zrm/backup \
                   --fields backup-date,backup-set,backup-size

To display size of backup, backup set name, and date of backup for "config1" backup set use:

mysql-zrm-reporter --destination /var/lib/mysql-zrm/backup \
                   --fields "backup-date, backup-set, backup-size" \
                   --where backup-set=config1

To display backup status report for "config1" backup set use:

mysql-zrm-reporter --destination /var/lib/mysql-zrm/backup \
                   --show backup-status-info \
                   --where backup-set=config1

To display backup status report for "config1" backup set in HTML format and write a file use:

mysql-zrm-reporter --destination /var/lib/mysql-zrm/backup \
                   --show backup-status-info --where backup-set=config1 \
                   --type html --output myreport.html


Directory under which all backup data is stored.
Configuration file read by mysql-zrm-reporter utility.


On success, zero is returned. On error,non-zero value is returned. Output messages are written to stdout and error messages to stderr.


mysql-zrm(1), mysql-zrm-scheduler(1), mysql-zrm-reporter.conf(5), mysql(1), Zmanda Recovery Manager for MySQL


Zmanda Inc. (