Zmanda Recovery Manager for MySQL

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What is Zmanda Recovery Manager for MySQL

Zmanda Recovery Manager for MySQL (MySQL ZRM) is a flexible and robust backup and recovery solution for MySQL server. It also provides users the capability to schedule and get report on the backup of MySQL Databases.

What does MySQL ZRM run on?

I have questions/suggestions/bug fixes. How do I contact other users/developers?

What can MySQL ZRM do?

What will be implemented in future releases?

How do you install MySQL ZRM?

Do I need to make changes to MySQL database configuration?

How do I configure MySQL ZRM?

Finally, Can I do MySQL backups?

What information can be obtained from a backup report?

How do I recover data when there is a failure or data loss?

How did the MySQL ZRM do the job?

Did I use the correct method to backup?

The mysql-zrm-reporter tool provide backup statistics about the MySQL backup run. It is a good idea to review the backup-time, read-locks-time, flush-logs-time and backup-size to determine whether the method used by MySQL ZRM is appropriate for the backup set. The predefined backup-performance-info report is a useful tool to tune backup process or switch to a different backup method.

An example command displaying backup size and backup time for a backup set backupSet2:

# mysql-zrm-reporter  --fields backup-date,backup-level,backup-size,backup-time \
  --where backup-set=backupSet2
    backup-set  backup-date     backup-level backup-size     backup-time
    backupSet2  20060829140723  0            58MB            15 seconds.
    backupSet2  20060829140819  0            59MB            26 seconds.
    backupSet2  20060829141001  0            78MB            40 seconds.

Using mysql-zrm-reporter tool, you can figure out what backup method was used to do the backup (backup-method-info report). You can override the backup method by setting backup parameters - replication, logical-backup, lvm-snapshot in MySQL ZRM configuration for the backup set.

Can I make backups more efficient?

The time taken to do a backup (backup window) and backup image size depends on various factors:

  • Backup method used for each database - logical backups, raw backups, lvm snapshot, MySQL replication
  • Backup level for the backup set
  • Size of the database
  • Database activity - read-only, read/write ratio
  • Database transaction rates
  • Recovery requirements - how often do you recover data? What is the reason for data recovery?

Use mysql-zrm-reporter tool and mysql-zrm logs to analyze the backups. The backup-performance-info report is a good starting point to analyze the bottlenecks in the backup strategy. It is possible to change all the MySQL backup parameters using the configuration file. Often, it takes multiple backup runs to arrive at a good parameters for a backup set.

Example: Backup performance report

# /usr/bin/mysql-zrm-reporter --where backup-set=backupSet1 --show backup-performance-info
backup_set  backup_date    backup_level backup_size backup_time  read_locks_time  flush_logs_time
backupSet1  20060909100021 0            4.26 MB     00:00:06     00:00:03         00:00:00
backupSet1  20060909100123 0            4.26 MB     00:00:03     00:00:02         00:00:00
backupSet1  20060909100300 0            4.26 MB     00:00:03     00:00:02         00:00:00