


Amanda::Util - Runtime support for Amanda applications

Application Initialization

Application initialization generally looks like this:

  use Amanda::Config qw( :init );
  use Amanda::Util qw( :constants );
  use Amanda::Debug;
  Amanda::Util::setup_application("myapp", "server", $CONTEXT_CMDLINE);
  # .. command-line processing ..
setup_application($name, $type, $context)

Set up the operating environment for an application, without requiring any configuration.

$name is the name of the application, used in log messages, etc. $type is usualy one of ``server'' or ``client''. It specifies the subdirectory in which debug logfiles will be created. $context indicates the usual manner in which this application is invoked; one of $CONTEXT_CMDLINE for a user-invoked command-line utility (e.g., amadmin) which should send human-readable error messages to stderr; $CONTEXT_DAEMON for a program started by amandad, e.g., sendbackup; or $CONTEXT_SCRIPTUTIL for a small program used from shell scripts, e.g., amgetconf

Based on $type and $context, this function does the following:


Perform final initialization tasks that require a loaded configuration. Specifically, move the debug log into a configuration-specific subdirectory, and check that the current userid is appropriate for this applciation.

The user is specified by one of the following flags, which are available in export tag :check_running_as_flags:

  $RUNNING_AS_ANY                 # any user is OK
  $RUNNING_AS_ROOT                # root
  $RUNNING_AS_DUMPUSER            # dumpuser, from configuration
  $RUNNING_AS_DUMPUSER_PREFERRED  # dumpuser, but client_login is OK too
  $RUNNING_AS_CLIENT_LOGIN        # client_login (--with-user at build time)

If the flag $RUNNING_AS_UID_ONLY is bit-or'd into $running_as_flags, then the euid is ignored; this is used for programs that expect to be setuid-root.


Return the original current directory with get_original_cwd.

Miscellaneous Utilities


Return a ``safe'' environment hash. For non-setuid programs, this means filtering out any localization variables.


Quote a string using Amanda's quoting algorithm. Strings with no whitespace, control, or quote characters are returned unchanged. An empty string is represented as the two-character string "". Otherwise, tab, newline, carriage return, form-feed, backslash, and double-quote (") characters are escaped with a backslash and the string is surrounded by double quotes.


Unquote a string as quoted with quote_string.


my($q, $remaider) = skip_quoted_string($str)

Return the first quoted string and the remainder of the string.

Both quote_string, unquote_string and skip_quoted_string are available under the export tag :quoting.


Generate a timestamp from the current time, obeying the 'USETIMESTAMPS' config parameter. The Amanda configuration must already be loaded.


This page was automatically generated Fri Feb 5 19:41:21 2010 from the Amanda source tree, and documents the most recent development version of Amanda. For documentation specific to the version of Amanda on your system, use the 'perldoc' command.
