Checking Backup Configuration

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he action check of mysql-zrm command is used to verify that ZRM for MySQL is correctly configured for the backup set.

It performs following checks for a particular backup set:

  • It is able to read and write to the destination directory.
  • Whether the TMPDIR is writable.
  • If /etc/mysql-zrm/<backup-set name> is writable.
  • Whether mysql-zrm is able to connect to MySQL server.
mysql-zrm  --action check
  • Specify the backup set you to whose configuration you want to check. The command will be
mysql-zrm --action check --backup-set Backupset1
  • The action returns the following when the configuration is correct.
INFO: ZRM for MySQL - version built from source
WARNING: Binary logging is off. Incremental backups cannot be done.
INFO: Configuration check successful
  • If the configuration is incorrect it will exit with a set of error messages that reflect the problems found. The following is an example of the returned error
INFO: ZRM for MySQL - version built from source
ERROR: Unable to open logfile /var/log/mysql-zrm/mysql-zrm.log.
ERROR: No write permission in /var/lib/mysql-zrm
ERROR: No write permission in /etc/mysql-zrm/BackupSet1
ERROR: No write permissions on /etc/mysql-zrm/BackupSet1/last_backup
ERROR: Errors found during configuration check