Talk:How To:Set Up Amanda Communication Via SSH Tunnels
Matilda 04:18, 23 November 2005 (PST): I didn't find informations about who (backup client / backup server) is initiating which TCP/IP connection in which state of a remote client backup. So I'm not really sure, which tunneled ports have to be available.
Paddy 11:13, 23 November 2005 (PST): TCP connection is set up by Amanda server and Amanda client (amandad) connects
to it. Unfortunately, Amanda (dumper) could use any 3 ports from the portrange (configured during compile time). So, you will
be forced to create ssh tunnels to all possible ports in the range. We are working on improving the situation in 2.5 release.
We have set up Amanda forums ( to discuss such issues. I think you should create an account and use forums.
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