/Installation/OS Specific Notes/Installing Amanda on Mac OS X

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Amanda has been tested to run on both Mac OS X Panther (10.3) and Tiger (10.4).

With Panther, the built-in tar does not record extended filesystem attributes (resource forks, finder flags, ACLs, and so on), so users who want to be able to restore those attributes will need to do some extra work (see below). Fortunately, Tiger's tar does support extended attributes, so an amanda installation will work "out of the box".

This page is summarized from writeups by Steven Karel and Dustin's work on Amanda.

General Setup

Set Up 'amanda' User

The following steps use 'niutil' to set up Amanda in the netinfo database, and then creae a home directory for the new user.

sudo niutil -create / /users/amanda
sudo niutil -createprop / /users/amanda shell /bin/bash
sudo niutil -createprop / /users/amanda realname "Backup User"
sudo niutil -createprop / /users/amanda uid 5000
sudo niutil -createprop / /users/amanda gid 0
sudo niutil -createprop / /users/amanda home /Users/amanda
sudo ditto -rsrcFork '/System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/' /Users/amanda
sudo sh -c "echo 'amanda_server.domain.com amanda' > /Users/amanda/.amandahosts"
sudo chown -R amanda:wheel /Users/amanda
sudo passwd amanda

Replace amanda_server.domain.com in the above with the name of your amanda server. This file is used as a basic security check to control which hosts can access amandad on this client.

System Tweaks

Add the following lines at the appropriate place in /etc/services (this isn't strictly necessary if you're not using kerberos security and the machine will only be an amanda client):

kamanda         10081/tcp   # amanda backup services (Kerberos)
kamanda         10081/udp   # amanda backup services (Kerberos)
amandaidx       10082/tcp   # amanda backup services
amidxtape       10083/tcp   # amanda backup services

Create /etc/amandates:

sudo touch /etc/amandates
sudo chmod 660 /etc/amandates
sudo chown -R amanda.wheel /etc/amandates

And set up some directories where Amanda can store small bits of data:

# TODO: get paths right for no --prefix
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/amanda
sudo touch /usr/local/lib/amanda/exclude.gtar
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/
sudo chown -R amanda:wheel /usr/local/lib/amanda /usr/local/var/amanda/

Compile Amanda

Download and untar Amanda, then run ./configure as follows:

./configure --with-user=amanda --with-group=wheel 

You will want to examine ./configure --help first to see what other options are available. For example:

just build the client components
install somewhere other than /usr/local, etc.
set the default configuration
give the path to GNU tar (especially useful on Panther; see below)
don't build the manpages from XML (the XML parser is flaky)

This tutorial assumes that --prefix is left at the default, which installs everything (including configuration and state) under /usr/local. This helps to segregate amanda's information from files managed by Apple, and is probably best for end-user machines. If you will be actively working with the amanda configuration on these machines, you may want to consider:

store configuration in the usual place under /etc/amanda and /etc/amandates.
store state in the usual place under /var/amanda.

If you make these changes, you'll need to adjust the directories created in above.

To compile and install, follow the usual

sudo make install

Version-Specific Notes


To get amandad to run when packets from the server arrive, you'll need a launchd script. See Apple's Getting started with launchd for background on this system.

Steven Karel has supplied a handy property list here, a modified version of which will be included in contrib/ in an upcoming release. You'll need to edit it slightly (it's just an XML file) to give the correct path to amandad.

Once that's set, copy the property list to /Library/LaunchDaemons, and load it with

sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.amanda.amandad.plist

You should see the following output from netstat:

me@mac ~ $ netstat -na | grep 10080
udp6       0      0  *.10080                *.*
udp4       0      0  *.10080                *.*


To support extended attributes on Panther,

  1. install either xtar or, if that doesn't work, hfstar
  2. compile Amanda, with the addition of the --with-gnutar=/path/to/new/tar flag to ./configure, giving the location of the new tar

To run amandad on Panther, you need to install an xinetd configuration snippet; create /etc/xinet.d/amanda with the following contents:

service amanda
        socket_type             = dgram
        protocol                = udp
        wait                    = yes
        user                    = amanda
        server                  = /usr/local/libexec/amandad
        server_args             = amandad
        groups                  = yes
        disable                 = no

(where server is the path at which you've installed amandad)

To start the service in xinetd:

service amanda start

If you have trouble, you may want to check that xinetd is running on the machine.
