This feature is available from Amanda 3.4.
A collection of volumes which can be used together as a group.
A volume is assigned to a particular pool using amlabel, after which that volume can be used by any Storage which uses that pool.
See also:
- --pool option for amlabel(8)
- tapepool parameter in amanda.conf(5):
- tapelist(5):
Other languages: [[::Pool|English]] {{#ifexist: {{#if: | | {{#if: | :}}Pool}}/Fr | • {{#if: |français| [[::Pool/Fr|français]]}}|}}
{{#ifexist: {{#if: | | {{#if: | :}}Pool}}/Zh-cn | • {{#if: |中文(中国大陆)| [[::Pool/Zh-cn|中文(中国大陆)]]}}|}}