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Pages linked from here describe common problems with Amanda, their causes, and their solutions. The same article may be linked under several different categories for easier searching.
By Application
- Access as localuser not allowed from remoteuser@remotehost
- Amcheck cannot login as the amanda user
- Configuration keyword expected
- Not an amanda tape
- Numerical argument out of domain
- Port NNNN is not secure
- Selfcheck request failed
- Why does amcheck fail while amdump succeeds?
- Splitsize too small
- Tar level-1 dumps are the same size as level-0 dumps
- Amdump Only Creates Incremental Dumps in Holding Disk
- Amdump fails to create level 0 dumps
- Amdump is terribly slow
- Badly formatted response from (Zmanda Windows Client)
- Cannot overwrite active tape
- Data timeout
- Disk offline
- Dump returned 1
- Dump larger than available tape space
- Dump size is the same regardless of the backup level
- Dumps way too big, must skip incremental dumps
- Infofile update failed
- Memory allocation failed
- Mesg read: Connection reset by peer
- "No space left on device" when writing to tape
- Planner: ERROR amanda user is not allowed to execute the service noop
- Results missing
- Sendbackup error: no backup size line
- Tape Input-Output error
- Unexpected field value in snapshot file
- DUMP: Warning - block NNN is beyond the end of DEVICE
- planner: ERROR Request to AMANDA CLIENT failed: timeout waiting for ACK
- dumps too big, but cannot incremental dump new disk
- Taper log says: taper: critical (fatal): Can't locate auto/Amanda/Device/Device/ in @INC
- 500 Access not allowed
- Amrecover: wildcard characters in filenames
- Could not read config file
- EOF, check amidxtaped.debug
- No index records for host-disk
- Why does `amrecover` start over and over again, when I tell it to extract from tape?
- Why does amrecover erase files?
Error Messages
Amanda's error messages can sometimes be misleading; this section is indexed by the text of the message.
- 500 Access not allowed
- A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: Could not find a tape to use
- Access as localuser not allowed from remoteuser@remotehost
- Addr hostname lookup failed
- Amcheck cannot login as the amanda user
- Amdump fails to create level 0 dumps
- amtape: Could not load current slot.
- Can not read/write /var/lib/amanda/amandates: Permission denied
- Cannot open SCSI device /dev/sg... - Permission denied
- Cannot overwrite active tape
- Changer problem: no slots available
- Client configured for auth=bsd while server requested 'bsdudp'
- Client does not support DUMPER-API
- Configuration keyword expected
- Could not read config file
- Could not run GLIB test program, checking why
- Data timeout
- Disk offline
- DUMP: Warning - block NNN is beyond the end of DEVICE
- Dump larger than available tape space
- Dump returned 1
- Dumps too big, but cannot incremental dump new disk
- Dumps way too big, must skip incremental dumps
- EOF, check amidxtaped.debug
- fallback_splitsize of xx KB < 0.1% of tape length
- Infofile update failed
- Memory allocation failed
- Mesg read: Connection reset by peer
- No index records for host-disk
- "No space left on device" when writing to tape
- Planner: ERROR amanda user is not allowed to execute the service noop
- Results missing
- Selfcheck request failed
- Selfcheck request timed out
- Sendbackup error: no backup size line
- Tape Input-Output error
- Taper: unable to allocate buffers
- tape_splitsize of xx KB < 0.1% of tape length
- Unexpected field value in snapshot file
By Topic
Build / Installation Problems
- 500 Access not allowed
- Access as localuser not allowed from remoteuser@remotehost
- Client configured for auth=bsd while server requested 'bsdudp'
- Port NNNN is not secure
- Reverse DNS Gives an Incorrect Hostname For My Server or Client
- Selfcheck request failed
- Selfcheck request timed out
Tape Drives
- My Tape Drive is Malfunctioning
- Not an amanda tape
- Numerical argument out of domain
- Hardware compression
Tape Spanning
- Tar level-1 dumps are the same size as level-0 dumps
- FAQ:What versions of GNU Tar are Amanda-compatible?
- Unexpected field value in snapshot file
Zmanda Windows Client
Build Problems
Other languages: [[::Troubleshooting|English]] {{#ifexist: {{#if: | | {{#if: | :}}Troubleshooting}}/Fr | • {{#if: |français| [[::Troubleshooting/Fr|français]]}}|}}
{{#ifexist: {{#if: | | {{#if: | :}}Troubleshooting}}/Zh-cn | • {{#if: |中文(中国大陆)| [[::Troubleshooting/Zh-cn|中文(中国大陆)]]}}|}}